Using the Time Sheet Update screen, you are able to select a staff member and update their rostered and worked times.

If you have too many staff members to display on one screen, you can use the navigation buttons >> or << at the top of the screen or the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll left and right.

A grid showing child/staff ratio's is displayed at the right-hand column on the screen when in Portrait mode and at the bottom of the screen if viewing in Landscape mode. (you may need to scroll to see this depending on the number of staff members on this roster).

When clicking on a staff members name, you will be able to view details for that staff member as they have been entered in the Employee update screen.

Change Times

To change activities for a staff member, click the "Change Times" button.


This column displays the child/staff ratios for this roster/time sheet, click the "View" button for more detailed information.

Any blocks that are coloured yellow indicate that Under 2 children exceed the licensed maximum

Any blocks that are coloured pink indicate that the total number of children exceed the licensed maximum

Any blocks that are coloured green indicate that your staff/child ratio is above MOE requirement for that period

Any blocks that are coloured red indicate that your staff/child ratio is below MOE requirement for that period

Any blocks that are coloured blue indicate that your staff/child ratio is as per MOE requirement for that period

Any blocks that are coloured orange indicate that you have no registered staff on duty for that period, or that there are no Persons Responsible.

To calculate teacher ratios, Infocare divides each day into 15-minute segments. For each segment the number of under two children are counted, and the required staff is calculated from the table shown at the bottom of this document.  This process is repeated for the over two children and these two figures are combined.

For example:

20 under twos = 4 teachers + 6 over twos =1 teacher = 5 teachers required. 

Under 2s


Over 2s






















If you have only 1 to 3 children of mixed ages the Ministry requires you to have one teacher on duty. This will assist at the beginning and at the end of each day when the children arrive or being collected.

Copy From

The copy from drop down list at the bottom of the screen allows you to copy all details from an entire roster from a previous date. 

Same as

Click this button when you have selected a date to copy the rostered times from.

Show Worked

Check this radio button if you want the columns to display actual hours worked.

Show Rostered

Check this radio button if you want the columns to display the rostered times for the staff.


Select this option if you want staff to be displayed across the screen.


Select this option if you want staff to be displayed down the screen.


Click this button if you would like to go back to the previous screen.

Add Staff

This button allows you to select a staff member from a list of available staff who have not been scheduled to work on this day. Select the required staff member from the drop down list on the next screen and then click "Continue" to go to the "Roster Update" screen.


The Delete button will delete this staff time sheet.

Previous day

If you wish to navigate to the previous days' time sheet, please click this button. If a time sheet for the previous day already exists, the system will allow you to modify this time sheet. If the time sheet for the previous day does not already exist, one will automatically be created based on the roster for the same day in the previous week.

Next day

If you wish to navigate to the next days' time sheet, please click this button. If a time sheet for the next day already exists, the system will allow you to modify this time sheet. If the time sheet for the previous day does not already exist, one will automatically be created based on the roster for the same day in the previous week.


If you wish to print the current time sheet, please click this button. Please note that the system will print whichever print mode option you have selected in the previous screen. For example, if you have weekly summary selected in the print mode box on the previous screen, then the weekly summary will be printed when you click the print button on this screen.

For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected] 

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