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This screen is used to select and print labels. Users can select the number of labels per page to print.


Select the category for which you wish to print label details.

View By

If you have multiple services, and if you have the required security access level; you can select Centre, Area, Subgroup, Region or Group from this drop-down list to include children from other services.


Once you have selected the required options, click the "Search" button to display the selected children.

Select Children

Please select which children you require for the labels. You can select multiple children by using the scroll bars on the side of this combo box, and by clicking the mouse in conjunction with the shift or control keys. For example, if you wish to select all the children in the combo box, click on the first name (so that it is now highlighted) and then scroll down to the last child using the scroll bars at the side of the combo box. Then hold the "Shift" key down and click on the last name. This will now select (and highlight) all of the children. If you wish to exclude one or two of the names from this selection, you can now scroll to the relevant name using the scroll bars at the side of the combo box and then hold down the "Control" or "Ctrl" key and click the name you wish to exclude.

Print Options

This section is used to select a various fields of information and the layout of that information on the labels.

Number of labels per page

Please select the number of labels to be printed on a single page. Labels are printed 2 across, so if you select 14, the print will be 7 labels down and 2 across.

Photo height in pixels

If you are including children's photos on the labels, please specify the height (in pixels) which the pictures need to be in order to fit on the labels. If the pixels are too high, they labels will not print to the label size selected.

Logo height in pixels

If you are including your service's logo on the labels, please specify the height (in pixels) which the pictures need to be in order to fit on the labels. If the pixels are too high, they labels will not print to the label size selected. 


To select the data which you require on the labels, simply select the name of the field from the drop-down box in the order that you want it to appear. You can choose to print either the child's photo or your service's logo on the labels.


Once you are satisfied that your selection is correct. click the "Print" button.

For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected] 

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