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This screen is used to transfer a staff member from one service to another as long as the services have been defined as part of the same Group or Sub-group.
Leaving Date
Please select the date on which the staff member will be leaving your service. If the staff member will continue to work in both the current service as well as the new service, leave the Leaving Date field blank. An alternative option would be to assign the staff member to the "Central Pool" rather than using the Staff Transfer facility.
Starting Date
Please select the date on which the staff member will start at the new service. If you wish to retain the staff member's original starting date in the new service, you need to ensure that the starting date fields are blank before clicking "Update". You may want to do this if you wish to retain the correct record of when the staff member began working for your organisation. If you would like the staff member's original starting date to be transferred to the new service, blank out the Starting Date.
Transfer to Which Service
Please select the service to which the staff member is to be transferred from the drop down box.
Copy the Home to the Destination Service
For home-based users, you are able to copy details of the educator's home to the new service by selecting this check box.
Once you are satisfied that you have selected the correct criteria, click the Continue button to effect the transfer.
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0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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