Using the Contact View screen you are able to view details regarding the contacts associated with a particular child.

If the contacts for this child are the same as a previously entered sibling, you can select the name of the sibling from the "Same contacts as" drop down list and then click the "Same as" button. 

If you have previously linked children with the same contacts using the 'Same as' button, you can remove the link by clicking the "Remove from family" button.

The list of contacts for this child will be displayed. You can display the contacts in ascending or descending alphabetical order by toggling theicon after Contact, Primary Caregiver, or Use as Emergency Contact.

You can also display the list of contacts in order of "Primary Caregiver" or "Use as Emergency Contact" by toggling the appropriate arrows.

To display all of the information relating to a particular contact click on the contact's name to display all current information for this person.

Click theicon at the right of the screen if you wish to edit information for this contact.

Click theicon at the right of the screen if you would like to delete this contact.

Click theicon at the left of the screen if you would like to print the information for this client.

Click theicon if you would like to email the details you have for this contact, and to contact your service if they are not complete or they are incorrect.

Click on theParent Portal icon if you are using the Parent Portal in Infocare and would like to manage access details for this contact.

For further information or assistance call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected] 

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