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This screen is used to upload and modify photographs for the selected child and the service gallery.

Users can store up to 50 photographs per child. Pictures have a maximum file size of 5MB.

If you are using the Infocare Parent Portal, the first 4 pictures uploaded will be displayed across the top banner of the child's Parent Portal page.

Each child can have a maximum of 50 pictures stored in their gallery. You can remove old pictures to make room for new pictures by clicking on the "Delete" button beneath the picture you wish to remove. 

To change the order in which uploaded photos are displayed, click on the   icons next to "Full", "Allergy", "Diet", "Labels", or "Comments".

To add a new picture, click the "Upload Photo", or select a picture from the list of those available and click the modify icon at the right had side of the page.

Photo Type

If you wish to upload or modify photos for all children, select this option from the Photo Type drop down box. Alternatively, leave the setting as "This Child Only". 

Full Medical

Select this option if you want the uploaded picture to be included on the Full Medical report.


Select this option if you want the uploaded picture to be included on the Allergies report.

Special Diet

Select this option if you want the uploaded picture to be included on the Special Diets report.


Select this option if you want the uploaded picture to be included on Labels


Select this option if you would like to add or change a comment associated with a photo. 

Select File - Browse

Click the "Browse" button to find and upload the required photo on your computer.


When you have selected the options you require and have uploaded a photo, click "Continue".  Alternatively click the X at the top left of the screen to cancel and return to the previous screen. 

 For further information or assistance call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]

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