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Using the “Transfer” screen you can transfer a child from one service to another. You will need to have specified your service as part of a group of services using the service information screen. 

When you have completed all the required entry for this screen, click the "Continue" button to transfer the child.

Leaving this Service Select the date on which the selected child will leave this service. If the child is not leaving this service, you may leave the "leaving date" blank. You may also back date the leaving date for up to 90 days. If you have selected the "Move Transaction History" or the "Transfer Current Account Balance" options, you will not be able to select a future date for the child to start at the new service.

Starting in New Service Select the date on which the selected child will begin at the service to which they are being transferred. 

Transfer to Which Service From the drop down list, select the service to which the selected child is being transferred. 

Transfer Current Account Balance and Leave Transaction History If you want the child's account balance to be transferred to the new service, check this box. A journal entry will be created on the child's account in the original service setting the balance to zero, and a journal entry will be created in the receiving service setting the child's balance to the amount it was in the original service. If you select this option, you will not be able to select a future date for the transfer to happen. You are only able to select the current date for the transfer to happen.

Move Transaction History If you want the child's entire account, including all transaction history, to be transferred to the new service, check this box. The child's account in the old service will be set to zero and the entire history of transactions and the current balance will be transferred to the new service. If you select this option, you will not be able to select a future date for the transfer to happen. You are only able to select the current date for the transfer to happen.

Move Child's Reference If you wish to keep the child's current reference number in the new service, check this box. A new reference number will be assigned to the child in the service that the child is leaving. 

Move Bond Records If you wish to transfer the child's bond records to the new service, check this box. 

Move WINZ Record If you wish to transfer the child's WINZ details to the new service, check this box. When a child is transferred, the WINZ details will be deleted from the service that the child is leaving. 

Move Autopay If you wish to transfer the child's Auto payment details, check this box. 

Transfer Child's Holidays If you wish to transfer the current holiday entitlement for this child to the new service, check this box. 

Move All Notes If you wish to transfer any Infocare notes that are associated with this child, check this box. 

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