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The Account Update screen allows you to enter or edit details pertaining to an account set up for a particular child's contact.

If you have a child with shared custody and the parents/caregivers require a split account, using the Account Update Screen you are able to add a second or multiple accounts for the child.  From the Invoice Whom drop down list, select the appropriate contact for the account and decide how the bill is to be split. 

You are able to split the bill by percentage or amount. For example, you can specify that the father pays 60% and the mother pays 40%; or you can specify a fixed amount. When specifying a fixed amount, all but one of the accounts can have a fixed payment specified. One of the accounts must be left blank so that the residual amount is paid by this account holder.

Account is Closed

If you want to close the account for this contact/child, tick this box and click update.

Invoice Whom

Select the appropriate contact for this child from the drop down list. 

Charge %

If the parents/caregivers have agreed to split the bill by percentage, then enter the agreed percentage in each contact's account. The total of all accounts must add up to 100%. For example, if they have agreed that each will pay half, then enter 50 in each contact's account in this field. 

Charge Amount

If the parents/caregivers have agreed that one of them will pay a fixed amount and the other will pay the balance, then you should enter the fixed amount for one of the parties here. The field must be left blank for the other party. For example, if they have agreed that mother will pay $30 and father the balance, enter 30 on the mother's account and nothing on the father's account. 

Finance Types

Select any finance types that should be assigned to the child for this contact. You may assign up to 4 finance types. These are for reference only and will appear on certain finance reports.


When you have completed entering data for this screen, click the update button to save the data and return to the previous screen. 

For further information or assistance call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]

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