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Using the Staff Selection screen, you are able to add a new employee or search for staff already entered into the system and then modify, delete, or view all the information relating to the selected employee.


To add details for a new Employee, click the Add an Employee button.


You can refine the list of employees displayed by selecting options in the Which Staff and View By drop down boxes.


You can further refine your list of employees, or quickly navigate to a specific employee, by typing the employee's name into the Search box. 


To modify or view details of an employee, either click on the employee's name or click the  icon associated with the employee.

To delete an employee from the system, click on the  icon associated with that employee. If the employee appears on any staff time sheets, you will not be allowed to delete this record.


For further information or assistance call
 0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email 
[email protected]


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