This screen is used to view any messages sent or reply messages from individual contacts or staff members. Once text messages have been sent, The recipient can reply to you and the reply will be displayed and stored in Infocare. The recipient can only reply to the within 7 days of the text being sent. Thereafter, replies will not be received.
You can specify if you want to see messages sent, replies or both. You are also able to select a date range to view messages sent or replies, and you can search for specific content within a text message.
If you have more than once service, the text messages sent will be displayed in the service the child is enrolled at, rather than the service the test message was sent from.
Select this radio button if you would like to view replies only.
Select this radio button if you would like to view sent messages only.
Select this radio button if you would like to view both replies and sent messages.
To search for messages within a certain period, select the "From" date here. When you have selected the from and Until dates and any other criteria, click the "Search" button.
To search for messages within a certain period, select the "To" date here. When you have selected the from and Until dates and any other criteria, click the "Search" button.
Search String
If you would like to search for messages based on their content, enter the search string here, ensure that other search criteria such as from and Until dates are correct and click "Search". For example, if you want to find all messages that were sent between 1st Jan 2021 and 28th Feb 2021 that have "Trip" as part of the message, select the "Sent" radio button, ensure that the "From" date is set to 01 Jan 2021 and the "Until" date is set to 28 Feb 2021. Enter "trip" in the "Search String" field and then click "Search".
Use this button to search the criteria selected in any of the fields above.
Create File
You can export the contents of this report to a .csv file for use in a spreadsheet. Once you have clicked on this button a file will be created. To download the file to your computer, right click on the file name and select “save as”. Once you have finished with the file, you can delete it from the Infocare server by clicking on the “Delete File” button associated with the file. Alternatively, the system will automatically delete this after 1 hour.
View By
Depending on your level of access and if your service has Subgroup, Area, Regions or Groups defined, you will be able to select one of these options to view this report.
Once you have selected the relevant criteria, click the search button to display the relevant data.
This column displays the name of the child or staff member that the message was received from, and the relationship and name of the contact who sent the message i.e., Fred Bloggs, Mother: Mary Bloggs.
This column displays if the message was sent by the service or a reply. In addition, the system may deliver a variety of status messages as follows:
Unreachable - The mobile number used could be incorrect or the handset unreachable for some reason
Failed - Has failed, try again later
Expired - Message was not delivered within the allowed time (determined by carrier)
This column displays the mobile number that the reply came from.
This column displays the message content.
This column displays the date and time the message was received or sent.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited