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This screen allows you to add or modify funding rates for a specific date. If you wish to discard your entry and return to the previous screen, click the Cancel at the top right hand corner of the screen.


Enter the appropriate values in each of the fields on the screen. When you have completed your entry of data, click on the "Update" button to save the data and return to the previous screen.


Please note that if you modify any existing fields for an effective date where funding has already been calculated and RS7 submitted, reports and calculations already produced for that period will not be updated. You will, however, receive correct funding from the Ministry of Education regardless of the figures entered here. The Ministry of Education calculate funding based on hours submitted in the RS7 only. Figures entered on this screen are used within Infocare for funding reports, not for submission of funding claims to the Ministry of Education.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated if this type of funding is relevant to your centre.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated for the 0-24% band of ECE Registered Teachers.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated for the 25-49% band of ECE Registered Teachers.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated for the 50-79% band of ECE Registered Teachers.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated for the 80-99% band of ECE Registered Teachers.



Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education has stipulated for the 100% band of ECE Registered Teachers.


Effective Date

This is the date when these new funding rates become effective.  It is advisable for you to enter these new rates as soon as you have received notification from the Ministry of Education.  You can enter rates in advance.



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