Using the "Timetable Update" screen you can change or add new details pertaining to timetables for a child.  Once you have made the changes you require, or entered the new details, click on the "Update" button and you will be returned to the "Timetable View" screen.  If you do not wish to update the record, you may click the "Cancel" button.

Effective Date

Please select the date for which you wish this timetable to become effective from.

Fees Structure

If applicable, you may specify a new fee structure which will become effective for this child on the date which this new timetable becomes effective.

Even if the child’s Timetable is not going to change, you can still specify a new Fee structure which will become effective as of the "Effective Date".

For invoicing, the new fee structure will only be used if the "effective date" of the Timetable is equal to or prior to the "Effective Date" of the invoice.

Funding Type

For the duration of this timetable, you can select which type of funding the system should use for this child. Options are:

Normal Funding - the child will be funded as normal, i.e., under 2, over 2, 20 hours ECE or plus 10 as appropriate depending on the child's age and attendance.

Casual Funding - the child will be funded based on the rules for casual children i.e., the child will not be funded for any absences, and the child will only be funded for hours attended.

No Funding - the child will not be funded.

Promotional Discounts - Description

A list of available Promotional Discounts will be displayed. If this child is entitled to any of the Promotional Discounts, please check the box next to the name of the appropriate discount(s).

Promotional Discounts - Value

This column will display the value or percentage of fixed amount, for each Promotional Discount.

Promotional Discount – Display End Date

This column will display the date on which each of the Promotional Discounts in the list will end or expire. If there is no date next to any of the Promotional Discounts, then the discount will continue until it is removed from the timetable or an expiry date has been set.

Promotional Discount – Specified End Date

This field permits the user to enter in a specified date for the Promotional Discount to end for the child.

Discount Amount

If this child receives fixed value discount on the Fee Structure you have selected in addition to any promotional discounts you may have applied, please enter the amount in $$. cc. Please note that if the child receives both a Discount Amount and a Discount Percentage, the fixed amount will be deducted from the fees, and then the discount percent on the reduced amount.

Discount %

If this child receives a discount percentage on the Fee Structure you have selected in addition to any Promotional Discounts you may have applied, please enter the Discount Percentage. Please note that if the child receives both Discount Amount and a Discount Percentage, the fixed amount will be deducted from the fees, and then the discount percent on the reduced amount.

Special Needs

If the child is registered with the Ministry as requiring Special Needs and the necessary EC12 / 13 forms have been completed, please tick this box. The system will suspend the 3-week (21 day) absence rule for the period of this Timetable if this box has been ticked.

Getting 20 Hours ECE Elsewhere

If the parents have indicated on their 20 ECE Hours Attestation Form that their child is receiving 20 ECE Hours elsewhere, please check this box.

Claim Optimum 20 Hours ECE

If you select this option, then the system will claim the maximum hours for each day but will claim the least on a Monday if the child is booked for a Monday. This is done because quite often Public Holidays are on a Monday. It is suggested that you should rather use this option than clicking "max" for each day in all cases unless the child is not claiming 20 ECE Hours on any day.

Enrolled Times - Start

Please enter the time that the child starts at your service for each day of the week they are enrolled.

Enrolled Times - Finish

Please enter the time that the child finishes at your service for each day of the week they are enrolled.

Enrolled times – Session

Please select the session required from this drop-down box.  If using this option, “Start” and “Finish” times will be automatically populated. “User Defined Sessions” are added in the Licence Update screen.

Enrolled Times - Start

If this child attends multiple sessions at your centre on a single day, please enter the time that the child starts the second session at your service for each day of the week they are enrolled.

Enrolled Times – Finish

If this child attends multiple sessions at your service on a single day, please entre the time that the child ends the second session at your service for each day of the week they are enrolled.

Enrolled times – Session

If this child attends multiple sessions at your service on a single day, please select the session required from this drop-down box.  If using this option, “Start” and “Finish” times will be automatically populated. User Defined Sessions” are added in the Licence Update screen.


If you are specifying 20 ECE Hours for this child and wish to specify the maximum hours possible on each day, click this box for each applicable day.

20 Hours ECE

If your centre is offering 20 Hours ECE, and this child meets the required conditions, you may enter the number of 20 ECE Hours that the child elects to receive for each day of the week. The maximum allowed is 6 hours per day and 20 hours per week.


If you have defined rooms for your service, and you allocate children to specific rooms, then you should select the room that this child will attend for each day of the week while this Timetable is current.


For Home-based Networks, you should select the Home that this child will attend for each day of the week while this Timetable is current.


If you wish to clear all input from the fields directly above this button so that you can enter new values, click this button.


If you wish to record any comments about this Timetable, please enter them here.

Clear Fields

If you wish to clear all input fields so that you can enter new values, click this button.

As for Monday

If the start and finish times for the child are the same for each day of the week, enter the enrolled times for Monday and click the "As for Monday" button and the times for Monday will be copied to the other days.


Please click the "Update" button when you are satisfied that the data you have entered is correct and you wish to save it.


Click the “Cancel” button if you do not wish to save the changes you have made and return to the previous menu

For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]

© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited