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This screen is used to add or modify figures for advance funding which your service has or will receive from the Ministry of Education.
Once you have completed entering the data, click the Update button to save the information and return to the previous screen.
If you wish to discard any changes or data entry, click the Cancel button at the top right of the screen.
If you have received a file from the Ministry of Education with advance funding information, you can upload the data from this file by clicking the Upload File button.
For each of the rows Under 2 ECE, Over 2 ECE, 20 Hours ECE, and Plus 10 ECE, complete the Hours, Rate, and Amount fields as specified in your Ministry of Education advance funding notice.
Enter the number of hours claimed for the funding type.
Enter the rate at which the Ministry of Education have advanced funding for the funding type.
Enter the amount which the Ministry of Education have specified in the advance funding notification for the funding type.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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