Video Tutorials

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This screen allows you to view users who have been set up with access to the Infocare system, add new users, or modify and delete existing users.


To add a new user to the system, click the Add a User button.


To view details of a particular user, place your cursor over the row with the relevant user name and click on the icon at the right hand side of the screen.


To delete a user from the system, place your cursor over the row with the relevant user name and click on the  icon at the right hand side of the screen.


To modify details for a user, place your cursor over the row with the relevant user name and click on the  icon at the right hand side of the screen; or simply click on the username.


To search for a specific user or users, begin typing your search criteria into the search box (i.e., "Ann" will display all usernames with the letters Ann). To further refine the search, continue entering data into the search field.


The order in which the users are displayed can be customised to ascending or descending order by clicking on the icon next to Username, Access Level, Password Expiry or Centre.


For further information or assistance call
 0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email 
[email protected]


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