This screen is used to update immunisation data for a child. Details can be updated for immunisation up to 15 months, and then again for immunisation up to 48 months.
Date Recorded
Please enter the date on which you recorded the child's immunisation details. This field will default to the current date.
Immunisation at 15 months
From the drop-down box, please select the appropriate status. If you select Not Recorded, all radio buttons will be cleared. If you select Full Immunisation, all radio buttons will be checked. If you select Partial Immunisation, you will need to check the appropriate radio buttons., and if you select no immunisations, all radio buttons will be cleared.
Certificate not shown
Please select this option if you have been unable to sight the vaccination certificate for any reason.
Immunisation at 48 months
From the drop-down box, please select the appropriate status. If you select Not Recorded, all radio buttons will be cleared. If you select Full Immunisation, all radio buttons will be checked. If you select Partial Immunisation, you will need to check the appropriate radio buttons., and if you select no immunisations, all radio buttons will be cleared.
Certificate not shown
Please select this option if you have been unable to sight the vaccination certificate for any reason.
Vaccine Information
Displays a list of the different vaccines and what they are for.
Please enter any comments you wish to record concerning this child's immunisation record.
Once you are satisfied that the information you have entered is correct, please click the "Update" button to save the information and return to the previous screen.
If you wish to discard the information you have entered, please click the "Cancel" button to return to the previous screen.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected].nz
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