This screen is used to select details required regarding children in your centre and produce a report with those selected details. The selection screen does have several pre-defined reports available which can be added to. Reports can also be exported to a .csv file and downloaded to your computer.

First select the appropriate date for the report. If you have multiple centres or are part of a larger group and wish to include children from the Subgroup, Area, Region or Group, please select this from the View By option.  Then select the Sort Order that you require.

You can change the default information in each report by clicking the "Print Options" button and selecting exactly which fields you wish to print and which order they appear in. Customised reports to be saved for future use can also be created from this screen.


Select the appropriate date for the report.


Select the category of children required from the drop-down list.

Print Mode

To select a report that has been pre-defined report, these will be listed under the heading “Default Print Modes” and a pre-saved customised report will be under the heading “Custom Print Modes”.

 Alternatively, you can select a report from the list and then add or modify the details of the report by clicking the "Print Options" button.

Default Print Mode options are: - 


Attended Days

Attended Hours

Attended 20 Hours ECE

Booked Days

Booked Hours

Booked 20 Hours ECE


Emergency Contacts







Official Names

Primary Caregivers



Select the sort order which you wish the report to appear in.

View By

If you have multiple services, and if you have the required security access level, you can select Subgroup, Area, Region or Group from this drop-down list to include details from other services.


When you have completed your selections, click on the “Print” button to view the report.

Create File

You can export the contents of the report to a .csv file for use in a spreadsheet by clicking the "create file" button. Once you have clicked on this button a file will be created and will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. To download the file to your computer, right click on the file and select "save as". 


Delete File

When you no longer need the .csv file that you have created with the "Create File" button, you can delete the file from the Infocare server by clicking on the "Delete File" button associated with the file.

Print Options

If you wish to define your own report or add to the report you have selected from the Print Mode, drop-down box as a customised report, click on the "Print Options" button.


For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]

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