This screen is used to select the criteria you require for printing transaction lists. You may also define which fields are displayed, search for specific reference numbers and create a .csv file of the selected transactions which can either be saved as a customised report for future use and/or be downloaded to your computer for use on another system if required.
Select the date from which you wish to start printing transactions. The default date will be the first of the current month.
Select the date for which you wish to end printing transactions. The default date will be the last day of the current month.
Select either Effective, Posted or Banking from this drop-down list to determine which date type is to be used for the report. If selecting Banking, the “Print Options” button should then be selected in order to select the criteria required.
View By
If you have Subgroup, Area, Region or Group access, you may select to view this report for the entire Group, Region, Area or Subgroup by selecting the required option from this drop-down box.
Previous Month
Click this button to automatically select the previous month in the From and To fields.
Next Month
Click this button to automatically select the next month in the From and To fields.
Transaction Type
To select a report that has been pre-defined report, these will be listed under the heading “Default Print Modes” and a pre-saved customised report will be under the heading “Custom Print Modes”.
Default Print Mode selections are: -
All Financial - will print a list of all transactions excluding reversals, Bonds and Disputes.
Invoices All - will print all invoices
Invoices Fees - will print invoices for fees only
Invoices Adjustments - will print invoices that have been created for Adjustments only
Invoices Discounts - will print invoices that have been created for Discounts only
Invoices Promo Discounts – will print invoices that have been created for Promo discounts only
Invoices Holiday Discounts - will print invoices that have been created for Holiday discounts only
Invoices Products - will print invoices that have been created for Products only
Invoices Optional Charges - will print invoices that have been created for Optional Charges only
Receipts All - will print all receipts
Receipts Cheque - will print all Cheque receipts
Receipts Cash - will print all Cash receipts
Receipts EFTPOS - will print all EFTPOS receipts
Receipts Credit Cards - will print all Credit Card receipts
Receipts AP - will print all Automatic Payment receipts
Receipts Bill Pay – will print all Bill Pay receipts
Receipts Direct Credit – will print all Direct Credit receipts
Receipts Direct Debit - will print all Direct Debit receipts
Receipts Targeted – will print all Targeted receipts
Receipts Write Off - will print all Write Off receipts
Receipts WINZ - will print all WINZ receipts
Receipts ACC - will print all ACC receipts
Receipts MSD – will print all MSD receipts
Receipts ELP - will print all ELP receipts
Receipts ESP - will print all ESP receipts
Receipts Ezypay - will print all Ezypay receipts
Receipts Pay Express – will print all Pay Express receipts
Receipts StudyLink – will print all StudyLink receipts
Receipts Refund - will print all refund receipts
Receipts Dis Cheque - will print all Dishonoured cheque receipts
Receipts WINZ O/Pay - will print all WINZ Overpayment receipts
Receipts DD No Funds - will print all Direct Debit no Funds receipts
Receipts Ezypay Rev – will print all Ezypay Reversed receipts
Receipts Donations - will print all receipts with the "Donation" check box ticked
Credit Notes - will print all Credit notes
Journals - will print all Journals
Reversals - will print all Reversals
Disputes - will print all Disputes
Bonds - will print all Bonds
Bond Reversals - will print all Bond Reversals
Bond Released - will print all Bonds that have been released.
Fundraising - will print all payments made in the Fundraising module
Fundraising Reversals - will print all Fundraising Reversals
Sort Order
Please select the order in which you wish this report to be sorted.
Create File
You can export the contents of the report to a .csv file for use in a spreadsheet by clicking the "create file" button. Once you have clicked on this button a file will be created and will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. To download the file to your computer, right click on the file and select "save as". Once you have finished with the file you can delete the file from the Infocare server by clicking on the "Delete File" button associated with the file.
Delete File
When you no longer need the .csv file that you have created with the "Create File" button, you can delete the file from the Infocare server by clicking on the "Delete File" button associated with the file.
Once you are satisfied that your selection is correct, click the "Print" button.
Print Options
If you wish to define your own report or add to the report you have selected from the Print Mode, drop-down box as a customised report, click on the "Print Options" button.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited