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The Bond Update screen allows users to add details for a new bond for a child account.
Please enter any comments you wish to record about this bond payment in the Comments field.
Please enter the amount of the bond payment in the Amount field.
Please enter the date that the bond payment was made in the format ddmmyy (i.e., 120621) in the Effective Date field.
Payment Method
Please select which method was used for payment from the Payment Method drop down list (i.e., cash, EFTPOS etc.).
If payment was made by cheque, you can record the number of the cheque in the field Cheque Number.
If the payment was made by cheque, you can record the bank details for the cheque by selecting from the Bank drop down list.
If the payment was made by cheque, you can record the bank branch details in the Branch field.
When you have completed entry of the data for this payment, click the Update button to save the payment and return to the previous screen.
If you wish to discard any data you have entered on this screen and return to the previous screen without saving it, click the Cancel button at the top of this window.
For further information or assistance please call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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