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The Invoice Update screen displays details of the invoice created for the selected child account, and allows users to modify or add details for the invoice.
Payer displays the name of the person to whom the invoice is addressed. This field cannot be modified or changed. If this field is incorrect, please change the Payer details in the Child/Account section of Infocare.
Address displays the address that has been specified for the Payer. You can modify this filed if required. If this is a permanent change, we recommend that you update the address for the Payer in the child account section of Infocare.
Comments allows you to enter any comments that you wish to record about this invoice.
Description displays a description of the invoice. If you wish to modify this description, you can type a new Description in this field.
Quantity displays the quantity of the invoice item. You may change this by entering a new value, if you wish.
Unit Price displays the Unit Price including GST of the invoice item. You may change this value by typing a new value, if you wish.
Once you are satisfied that the information on this invoice is correct and complete, click the Update button to return to the Accounts Processing Screen where you will be able to print, modify, delete, or commit this invoice.
If you wish to Delete this invoice, click the Delete button.
If you wish to add additional items to this invoice, click the Add Product button.
For further information or assistance please call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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