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This screen allows users to specify additional items for inclusion on an invoice.
If the item you wish to add is a pre-defined product within Infocare, select the product from the Select Product drop down list.
If you wish to add a product that has not been pre-defined in Infocare, enter a Description of the product in Description.
Please enter the required Quantity for the product that will be added to the invoice in the Quantity field. You may specify part quantities (i.e., 1.5 or 1.25).
If the product has not been previously defined in Infocare, enter the Unit Price for the product in the Unit Price field.
If this invoice is GST Free, check the GST Free radio button.
If you would like to allocate this invoice to a specific Ledger Code, enter the code in the Ledger Code field.
Once you have completed entering details for this item, click Update to add the item to the invoice and return to the previous screen.
For further information or assistance please call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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