This screen is used to select attendance reports for children attending your service. You are able to select a variety of reports for a variety of child categories.
This screen requires sign in sheets to have been created for the selected reporting period.
If you would like to create a .csv file from one of the reports in Child Details, select the desired parameters, display the report to the screen and then click the icon next to the Print button. The created file name will be displayed on the screen. Click on the file name if you wish to open it or right click to download a copy to your computer. If you wish to delete the file, click the delete file icon at the right hand side of the screen.
Once you have completed your selection criteria, click the Print button to display the report top your screen. Alternatively, click Print to printer to print a hard copy.
Using the Frequency drop down list, you can select whether you would like to work with Daily reports, Weekly reports, or Monthly reports.
Using the Category drop down list, you can select a specific Category of children for inclusion in the reports.
Please enter the date that you wish to report on by entering the date in the Date, Week Starting, or Month Starting field. The heading for this field will dynamically change depending on your selection in Frequency. You can use the icons next to the date field to automatically select next day, week, or month; or previous day, week, or month.
Using the Order drop down list you can choose which order children's names will be displayed on the report. For instance, if you want names to appear in first name alphabetic order, select First Name; however, if you would prefer children to be displayed in birth date order, select Birth Date.
Once you have completed your selection criteria above, select which report you wish to display. Options are:
Completed - will display a Completed record of attendance for the children selected. There will be space for parents or caregivers to comment and sign "/" means the child attended for half a day. "X" means the child attended a full day. "H" means the child was on holiday and "A" means the child was absent.
Uncompleted - will display a list of children who attended, but attendance fields will be left blank for you to complete manually.
Booked Hours - will print a list of the children with the number of booked hours for each child.
Attended Hours - will print a list of the children with the number of attended hours for each child.
Booked Times - will display a list of the children with details of their booked times for each day.
Attended Times - will display a list of children with details of their attended times for each day.
20 Hours ECE - will display a list of children with details of the number of 20 hours ECE they have claimed for each day.
Weekly Confirmation Report Format x - will display a list of children with their attended times and a space for parents/caregivers to sign and confirm that they are correct. There are 3 different formats for this report. Select whichever format you prefer.
Home-Based Weekly Confirmation Format x - If your service is licensed as home-based, use these confirmation reports instead of the standard confirmation reports.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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