This report is used to view holidays that have been allocated to children, and the number of holidays.
You can export the data from the selected reports to a .csv file by clicking on the Create File icon at the right had side of the screen.
Please enter the date range for which you wish to view holidays information using the Holidays between and the and fields. You can use the icons next to the date field to automatically select the next year or the previous year.
Using the Sort Order drop down list you can choose which order children's names will be displayed on the report. For instance, if you want names to appear in first name alphabetic order, select First Name; however, if you would prefer children to be displayed in Last Name, select Last Name.
If your service is part of a larger group, you can select to view the holidays information by Centre, Subgroup, Area, Region, and Group using the View By drop down list.
Once you have completed your selection criteria above, click Print to display details to the screen or Print to printer to print a hard copy of the report.
You can export the data from the selected reports to a .csv file by clicking on the icon at the right had side of the screen. The file name will be displayed and you can then open it by clicking or right click to download it to your computer
If you wish to delete the file you have created, click the Delete file icon at the right hand side of the screen.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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