This screen is used to select sign in sheets applicable to particular categories of children for a specified date.
Using the View Mode drop down box, you can choose to work with sign in sheets for a single Day, or for the entire Week.
Using the Date field you can specify the specific date you would like to work with if you have selected Day in the View Mode drop down list. If you have chosen Week in the View by drop down list, you should enter a date that falls within the week you would like to work with. For instance, to work with sign in sheets for the week beginning 19th July 2021, you could enter the date for any day in that week.
The Order drop down list allows you to select the order you would like children's names to appear in the sign in sheets (i.e., First Name order, Birth Date, etc.).
You can quickly navigate to the previous or next day using the icons under Day, or you can quickly navigate to the next or previous week using the
icons under Week.
You can search for a specific date for sign in sheets. For example, if you wanted to work with sign in sheets for the week of 22nd February 2021, enter that date in the Date field and click the icon.
Using the Category field, you can select the category or categories for which you wish to create sign in sheets. To select multiple categories, click on the first category and then "Shift" click on the other categories you require. If you would like to search for a particular Category, begin typing the name of the category in the Search Category field. As you type, categories that match what you are typing will be listed.
Once you have selected the required categories, click the Create button.
If you would like to Create new sign in sheets for the selected criteria, please click the Create button. If you have selected week in View Mode then sign in sheets will be created for the entire week. If you have selected Day in View Mode, then sign in sheets will be created for the day only.
Use the Print button to print a hard copy of the sign in sheets. If you have selected Day in View Mode, then sign in sheets for that day only will be printed. If you have selected Week in View mode, then sign in sheets for the entire week will be printed.
If you wish to Delete sign in sheets, ensure that you have selected only the sign in sheets you want to delete using the selection radio button next to each of the sign in sheets. Once you are sure you have the correct sign in sheets selected, click the Delete button.
Using the View Ratio button, you can view your teacher ratios for every 15 minutes of the day, as well as funding information for the day.
Once you have created sign in sheets, or if they have previously been created, you can view or modify the details of the sign in sheet by clicking on the blue category for the relevant sign in sheet.
If your service is using the optional Vistab electronic sign in/out system, and if there are any records from Vistab that need your attention, you will be notified with a message at the top of the screen and a pink button with the number of records which need attention will be displayed. an example of the message is - Once you click on the
button, the vistab records that need attention will be listed at the bottom of the screen. Attendance and absence records for children who have been signed in or out, or marked as absent using the Vistab tablet, but are not on your sign in sheets for that day, will be listed. If the attendance/absence records are correct, you will need to add the relevant child/children to the sign in sheets first. Once you have added the child/children to the sign in sheets, you can wait until the the next day when the sign in sheets will be automatically updated with the attendance information from the tablet. Alternatively you can click the Apply Now button. If you would like to delete one or more of the Vistab records, select the radio button under the Delete column for the appropriate child/children and then click Delete.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited