This screen is used to view a graphical representation of bookings, occupancy, funding, and ethnicity at your Service for a specified week.
Using the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) drop down list, you can select the number of hours which your service considers as full time enrolment. For example, your service may be open for 10 hours in the day, but if you consider children with 6 hours or more as Full Time Equivalents, you would enter 6 in this field. The number of hours specified here will also be used in other reports which use FTE throughout Infocare.
Using the Week Starting field, you can select the week for which you wish to display data. You can also select the previous week or the next week by clicking the or
Once you have completed selection of FTE and Week Starting, click on the Search icon to display information as per your selection criteria.
Using the Print button, you can Print a hard copy of this report.
Enrolled Children by Age provides both a graphical and tabular representation of the children enrolled at your service broken down by age. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on the icon and selecting Pie, Bar, Polar Area, or Doughnut.
Weekly Funding provides both a graphical and tabular view of funding details for your service during the selected week. Funding is broken down into the various funding types. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on the icon and selecting Remove Total Row, Remove Total Column, Bar, Line, or Stacked Bar.
Weekly Booked Numbers by FTE will display both a graphical and tabular representation of the number of children booked to attend your service during the selected week. Children are split into those who are part time and those who are considered full time based on the number you selected in FTE. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on theicon and selecting Remove Total Row, Bar, Line, or Stacked Bar.
Weekly Occupancy using FTE will display both a graphical and tabular representation of occupancy at your service using the numbers based on your setting in FTE. Full time = 1 space, and Part time = 1/2 space. Children are split into Over 2 and Under 2. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on the icon and selecting Remove Total Row, Bar, Line, or Stacked Bar.
Weekly Percentage Occupancy using FTE will display both a graphical and tabular representation of occupancy at your service using percentages, based on your setting in FTE. Full time = 1 space, and Part time = 1/2 space. Children are split into Over 2 and Under 2. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on the icon and selecting Remove Total Row, Bar, Line, or Stacked Bar.
Ethnic Groups will display both a graphical and tabular representation of child ethnicity at your service. Children will be split by age group. You can change the format of the graph by clicking on the icon and selecting Remove Total Row, Remove Total Column, or Stacked Bar.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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