This screen is used to select from a variety of options to print account balances at a specified date.
Using the Date field, enter the date up to which you wish to print balances. The default will be today's date. You can also select the previous month or the next month by clicking the or icons.
Using the Sort Order drop down list, you can choose the order in which you would like information to be displayed.
If you are part of a group of services, and if you have the correct level of access, you can choose to include details for your Group, Area, Region, or Subgroup using the View By drop down list.
Using the Options radio buttons, you can choose what information you would like to include in the report. Select or deselect the applicable radio buttons as required. Options are:
Current Enrolments - check this radio button if you wish to include details of accounts for children who are currently enrolled at your service.
Children Who've Left check this radio button if you wish to include those accounts where children have left your service. L will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Open Accounts - check this box if you wish to include information relating to those accounts that are "Open".
Closed Accounts - check this box if you wish to include information relating to those accounts that have been "Closed". C will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Credit Balances - check this radio button if you wish to include all accounts where the balance is in credit.
Debit Balances - check this radio button if you wish to include all accounts where the balance is in debit.
Equity Funding - check this radio button if you wish to highlight those accounts that are using Equity Funding. F will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Ezypay - check this radio button if you wish to highlight those accounts that are debited using Ezypay. Z will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Handled by Debt Collector - check this radio button if you wish to highlight those accounts that are being handled by a debt collector. D will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
On ELP - check this radio button if you wish to highlight accounts that are on ELP (Early Learning Programme). E will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
On MSD - check this radio button if you wish to highlight those accounts that are On MSD. X will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
On Payment Plan - chick this radio button to highlight those accounts that are on a Payment Plan. P will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
On WINZ - check this radio button if you wish to highlight those accounts that are On WINZ will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Payments via Debit Company - check this box if you wish to highlight those accounts where payment is via a debit company. Y will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Staff Child - check this radio button to highlight Staff Children. S will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
Targeted Funding - check this radio button to highlight children who are using Targeted Funding. T will be displayed in the Type field for accounts that match this criterion.
All Others - check this radio button to include details of all accounts not covered by WINZ, Payment Plan etc.
Once you have completed selection radio button options, click the Apply button to apply the selected criteria to the report.
If you would like to create a .csv file of this report and download it to your computer, click the Create File icon.
A file will be created and you can right click the file name to download it. If you wish to delete the file, click the Delete File icon.
To display the report to your screen once you have completed your selections, click the Print button.
Account names will be displayed as a link and you can click on the link to view the transactions which relate to this report.
If you wish to print a hard copy of this report, click the Print to Printer button.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited