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This screen is used to select the month and year for viewing or confirming a roll return. Roll returns are used by many organisations for services to confirm and sign off their enrolment and attendance figures for a month before the figures are used by head office for analysis.
Users without group access are able to view only their own roll return data. Once the data for the selected month have been checked and are correct, the Service Manager/Administrator can click the Sign Off button to confirm that the data are ok.
Group users at head office are unable to view data for a particular service until the manager/administrator at that service has clicked the "Sign Off" button for that month.
If you are a Group User, using the Type drop down list, select All Centres if you wish to view data for all services in the group. Alternatively, select Those Signed Off to view data for only those services whose data have been signed off.
Using the Roll Date fields, select the month and year for the roll return data. You can also select the previous month or the next month by clicking the or
Once you have selected your Roll Date and Type, click the Search Button.
Once you have completed your selection and searched, you can use the Select Centre drop down list to select the service you need to view roll return data for and then click Print. Alternatively you can click Print to Printer to print a hard copy of the report.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
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