This screen is used to select a variety of details for displaying teacher ratio requirements for your service. You can use this report to forecast and plan staff requirements for your service. Teacher ratios displayed in this screen are calculated using projected enrolment data from child bookings. To ensure it is as accurate as possible, please update any future changes in enrolment or new enrolments before running this report.
Using the Number of Weeks drop down list, you can select the number of weeks in advance that you wish to view required teacher ratios. You may specify between 1 and 16 weeks in advance.
Using the Week Starting date field, enter the date on which you would like to begin displaying information. This date defaults to the current week; however, you are able to enter any week in the future that you would like to begin from. Using the and
icons you can quickly navigate to the next or previous week.
Using the Select Categories drop down list, you are able to select which category(ies) you would like to include in this report. Please click on the required categories to toggle selection on or off.
If you would like to create a .csv file from one of the reports in Staff Details, select the desired parameters, display the report to the screen and then click the icon next to the Print button. The created file name will be displayed on the screen. Click on the file name if you wish to open it or right click to download a copy to your computer. If you wish to delete the file, click the
icon at the right hand side of the screen.
Once you have completed your selection criteria, click Print to display the report to your screen, or click Print to printer to print a hard copy of the report.
The report will display, for every 15-minute period of the day:
Number of Under 2 children
Number of Over 2 children
Required teachers
Registered teachers (if staff time sheets have been created for this day)
Unregistered teachers (if staff time sheets have been created for this day)
Total Teachers colour coded (if staff time sheets and child sign in sheets have been created for the day)
Net Teachers (if staff time sheets and child sign in sheets have been created for the day)
Percentage (if staff time sheets and child sign in sheets have been created for the day)
For 80% (the number of teachers required to meet the 80% ratio requirement)
For blocks that are colour coded:
Green indicates that your staff/child ratio is above MoE requirement for that period.
Red indicates that your staff/child ratio is below MoE requirement for that period.
Yellow indicates that your licensed number of Under 2 children has been exceeded.
Pink indicates that your total licensed number children has been exceeded.
White indicates that your staff/child ratio is as per MoE requirement for that period.
Orange indicates that you have no registered staff on duty for that period. This also indicates that there are no staff on duty who can be considered as Person Responsible. Only Teachers with Primary Qualifications may not act as person responsible.
Purple indicates that your registered teacher ratio has dropped below 80% for that period.
To calculate teacher ratios: Infocare divides each day into 15-minute segments. For each segment the number of Under 2 children is counted, and the required staff is calculated from the table shown at the bottom of this document. This process is repeated for the Over 2 children and these two figures are combined.
For example:
20 Under 2’s = 4 teachers + 6 Over 2’s =1 teacher = 5 teachers required.
Under 2s | Teachers | Over 2s | Teachers |
1-5 | 1 | 1-6 | 1 |
6-10 | 2 | 7-20 | 2 |
11-15 | 3 | 21-30 | 3 |
16-20 | 4 | 31-40 | 4 |
21-25 | 5 | 41-50 | 5 |
If you have only 1 to 3 children of mixed ages,the Ministry requires you to have one teacher on duty. This will assist at the beginning and at the end of each day when the children arrive or are being collected.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]
© 2018 Infocare Systems Limited