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Using the Transaction View screen, you are able to view account transactions for the selected bill payer.

A list of transactions will be displayed for the selected child account. You can change the selected date range for transactions by changing the dates in the From and Until date fields. 

You can refine the Transaction Type that is displayed in the list by selecting All, Debits Only, or Credits Only, from the Transaction Type drop down list.

Once you have selected the required Transaction Type, and the required From and Until date range, click the search icon at the right hand side of the screen.

Credits will display the total value of Credits (i.e., receipts for the selected transactions).

Debits will display the total value of Debits (i.e., invoices for the selected transactions).

Balance will display the current Balance of this child account.

If the Ref for a transaction has a link icon and is displayed in blue, you can click on this link to view an explanation of how the invoice was calculated.

Transactions that have been Disputed will appear on the transaction view list displayed in pink text. Disputed transaction amounts will still be included in account balances; however, when payments are receipted for this child account, payments will be allocated to all other transactions before being allocated to the disputed transaction. This will be reflected in the aged analysis report.

Transactions that have been reversed will still appear on the transaction view list and displayed in orange text. The amount will not be included in the account balance.

If you would like to print the list of transactions that are on display, click on the icon at the right hand side of the screen and select Print Transactions.

If you would like to print an "Aged Analysis" for this child account, click on the   icon at the right hand side of the screen and select Print Aged Analysis.

To return to the previous screen, click the Cancel button.

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