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This screen is used to view details of an employee's activities at your service for a selected date range. A list of dates when the employee has been added to staff time sheets for the selected date range will be displayed. Days that are highlighted in yellow indicate that the employee was not present for that day.


Information is displayed in date order; however, you can change the order to ascending or descending by clicking the   icon next to Date, Short Name, Contact, Discretionary, Non-Contact, Break, Away, Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Bereavement Leave, Practicum, or Total column.


Using the From field, enter the date From which you wish to begin viewing information.


Using the Until field, enter the end date for which you wish to view information.


Using the Previous Month and Next Month buttons, you can navigate directly to the previous or next month.


If you have selected By Type from the Type Option drop down list, information relating to activity types (Contact, Non Contact, Annual Leave etc.) for the employee are displayed in date order. You can change the order to ascending or descending by clicking the icon next to Date, Short Name etc., columns.


If you have selected By Description from the Type Option drop down list, information relating to activity descriptions (Under 2, Over 2 etc.) for the employee will be displayed in date order. You can change the order to ascending or descending by clicking the icon next to Date, Short Name, Under 2's etc., columns. To view the entire display, you will need to use the blue scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll horizontally.


Using the Lunch Option drop down list, you can chose to Include Lunch times or Exclude Lunch times from the display.


Using the Time Format drop down list, you can select whether times are displayed in Standard Time Format (8h30m) or Decimal Time Format (8.5).


Once you have completed selection of your criteria, click the Search button to display the information required.


To print a hard copy of this report, click the Print button.

To return to the previous screen, click the  icon at the top left of the page.


For further information or assistance call
 0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email 
[email protected]


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