This screen is used to view, add, or modify records which have been recorded by the GoMobile App. The GoMobile App and this screen can be used to record details for Sleep Charts, Nappy Charts, Meals, Roll Calls, and Emergency Evacuations.
Using the From and Until date fields, select or enter the date range for which you wish to view details. Using the or
icons under Day or Week, you can navigate directly to the next or previous day or week.
Using the Order drop down list, you can choose the order in which you want information to be displayed. For example, First Name, Last Name, Date, etc.
If you would like to view, modify, or create Sleep History records, ensure that the Sleep History tab has been selected.
If you would like to view, modify, or create Meal History records, ensure that the Meal History tab has been selected.
If you would like to view, modify, or create Nappy History records, ensure that the Nappy History tab has been selected.
If you would like to view Roll Call History records, ensure that the Roll Call History tab has been selected. Roll Call records cannot be amended or deleted using this screen.
If you would like to view Evacuation History records, ensure that the Evacuation History tab has been selected. Evacuation records cannot be amended or deleted using this screen.
Once you have completed your selection criteria, click on the icon to display the relevant information.
If you would like to print a copy of this report to your printer, click the Print button.
If you would like to view information for a specific child only, begin typing the child's name in the Search History field. As you type, the list of children who match will be displayed.
You can change the order that the information is displayed in by toggling the icons associated with Child, Date, Category, Status, Comments, Meal, Menu, or Who.
If you would like to Create a new record for a child, for either Sleep History, Meal History, or Nappy History, select the appropriate tab and, select a Child from the list of children on the left of the screen, and click Create. Please note you can only select a single child at a time.
If you would like to modify a particular record for a child for Sleep History, Meal History, or Nappy History, select the appropriate tab and then select the child's name from the list of children on the left of the screen. Click the icon associated with the required record.
If you would like to search for a specific child to create a new record or edit existing records for Sleep History, Meal History, or Nappy History, select the appropriate tab and begin entering the child's name in the Search Children field.
For further information or assistance call
0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email mailto:[email protected]
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