This screen is used to add new or modify existing records for Sleep History, Meal History, or Nappy History. 


From the Category drop down list, select the appropriate Category for this child.


Using the Status drop down list, you can select the status of the event. For example, if this is a Sleep History record, options will be Checked, Into Bed, Asleep, Awake. However, if this is a meal history record, options will Ample, Little, etc.


Using the Comments field, you are able to enter any relevant comments you wish to record for this record.


Using the Date field, select the Date for this event.


Using the Time field, enter the Time for this event. Times should be entered using the 24 hour time format (i.e., 1:00pm should be entered as 13:00).


If you are working with a record for Meal History, you will also be able to select what meal this is for from the Meal drop down list, and you will be able to enter details of the Menu in the Menu field.


If you wish to Delete this record, click the Delete button.


Once you have completed entering data for this screen, click the Update button to save the data and return to the previous screen.


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