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Using the Xero Payments view screen, users can view payments imported from Xero. Payments can be viewed by different categories (i.e., all, pending, matched, or discarded). Users are also able to use this screen to set or de-select daily automated synchronisation with Xero.


For those services using manual synchronisation, you can click the Synchronise with Xero button to retrieve the latest payments.


The Go to Batch Receipts button can be used to navigate from this screen to the Batch Receipts screen to reconcile payment that have been imported from Xero.


The date on which the last synchronisation with Xero occurred is displayed under Last Synchronisation


Invoices which are copied to Xero may be allocated to a specific account code in Xero. To do this, modify the relevant fee structures and products in Infocare and enter the Xero account code into the Ledger Code field. For instance, you may wish to simply allocate all fees and products to a single account code in Xero (e.g., 200), or you may wish to allocate under2 fees to a specific account code and over2 fees to a different account code.


Please note that it is important for the Bank Reference field to be included with transactions which are sent from Xero to Infocare. Ensure that you have enabled this in Xero under "User Settings", and ensure that the field "Cash Coding" is checked.


Using the Status drop down list, select which transaction you wish to view. Options include:  All, Pending, Matched, or Discarded.


If you would like to automate the daily synchronisation with Xero, select Yes from the Automate Daily Synchronisation drop down box. Alternatively, select No.


The column headings for transactions that are listed are: 


Status - This column displays the Status of the transaction (i.e., Matched, Pending, or Discarded).

Child - If the transaction has been matched, this column displays the name of the child to which the transaction has been matched.

Xero Contact - If this transaction is associated with a contact that has been defined in Xero, then the contact name will be displayed in this column.

Bank Reference - If there is a bank reference for this transaction from Xero, then the reference will be displayed in this column.

Created - The date that the transaction was created will be displayed in this column. 

Amount - The amount of the transaction will be displayed in this column. 

If you have chosen to view either Discarded transactions or Pending transactions, you can delete these by clicking the  icon for the appropriate transaction.


If you have chosen to view matched or discarded transactions, you can reverse or undo the matching of any transactions by clicking the  icon for the appropriate transaction.


 For further information or assistance please call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]


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