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This screen is used to select and allocate an NSN Number for a child from a list presented as a result of a search of the NSI database.


Once you have enrolled a new child and the child is a "Current Enrolment" you will need to assign the child an NSN number from the MoE NSI database. If the child has been previously enrolled at another childcare centre or kindergarten they will probably already have an allocated NSN number and their name will appear in the list for you to select. If, however, this child is new to ECE, it is likely that they will not have an NSN number and you will need to allocate a new one for them. This screen is used to facilitate these functions.


Search Ranking

If the NSI database search has found multiple children with possible matches to your child, these children will be listed on the screen and a Search Ranking percentage will be allocated to each child to assist you in determining which child has the best match to the child you have entered. 


Choose This Child

As you scroll through the list of children presented, if you are sure that a particular child meets your requirements and is the child you have entered, click the Choose this Child button to select the child. The NSN for this child will then be populated in the child's record in the Infocare database. 


Add New NSN Record

If none of the children presented to you match the child you have entered, or if no children are presented to you, it is likely that this child has not previously attended an ECE service and you will need to allocate a new NSN record for this child. To do this, click the Add New NSN Record button. A new NSN will be allocated to the child and populated with the child's record in Infocare. 



If you wish to cancel any actions on this screen and return to the previous screen click the Cancel button.


For further information or assistance call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email help@infocaresolutions.co.nz


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