This screen is used to select and view notes that have been previously created, and to add a new note to the system.


To add a new note, click the Add Note button.


From the Note Type drop down box, select the type of note that you would like to view, edit, or create. Options are:


General - select this option if you want to work with notes that are not specifically related to children or staff. 

Child - select this option if you want to work with notes for a specific child or group of children.

Staff - select this option if you want to work with notes for a specific employee or group of employees.



Using the Topic drop down list, select the Topic of notes you want to work with. If you wish to create a new Topic, leave this field blank and you will be able to enter a new topic when creating or editing a note.


Using the Order drop down list, select the order in which you would like notes to be displayed.


Using the Category drop down list, select the category of children or staff that you wish to use.


Using the Select Child or Select Staff Member drop down list, you are able to select an individual child or staff member to work with.


Using the Search field, you can search for specific notes by entering staff or child names, or a subject matter etc.


Once you have completed your selection criteria, a list of appropriate notes will be displayed. 


To edit one of the notes, click the  icon associated with the note.


To print one of the notes, click the  icon associated with the note.



For further information or assistance call

0508 INFOCARE (0508 463622) or email [email protected]


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