This screen is used to select from a variety of options to print a monthly report on Educator activity in relation to the requirement for all home-based services to reach quality licenses by 2025.
- The MoE is moving all home-based services to quality licenses by 2025 and, in the lead up, there are targets for all services to reach each year.
For Quality
From January 2021
Minimum percentage of educators with a required qualification is 30%
Maximum percentage of educators able to be in training or induction is 20%
All remaining educators with at least 5 credits towards a required qualification at Level 4 or above is 0-70%
From June 2022
Minimum percentage of educators with a required qualification is 50%
Maximum percentage of educators able to be in training or induction is 20%
All remaining educators with at least 5 credits towards a required qualification at Level 4 or above is 0-50%
From January 2023
Minimum percentage of educators with a required qualification is 70%
Maximum percentage of educators able to be in training or induction is 20%
All remaining educators with at least 5 credits towards a required qualification at Level 4 or above is 0-30%
From January 2024
Minimum percentage of educators with a required qualification is 80%
Maximum percentage of educators able to be in training or induction is 20%
All remaining educators with at least 5 credits towards a required qualification at Level 4 or above no longer applies.
For Standard
Until 1 June 2022
No qualification requirements
From 1 June 2022
10% of educators with a minimum required qualification
From 1 January 2023
30% of educators with a minimum required qualification
From 1 January 2024
60% of educators with a minimum required qualification
The count of educators for the percentage qualification requirement, is a headcount of those working in your service. In order to be counted, an educator must have provided education and care for children enrolled in the service for at least four days in a calendar month.
Each month, educators can only count towards the percentage qualification requirement in one licence of a service provider. For example, if you’re moving an educator from a standard-funded licence to a quality-funded licence you are unable to count the educator on both licences in the same month.
Note that this restriction only relates to this particular requirement. You can still claim funding subsidies on both licences for the children attending with those educators, subject to the usual funding rules. If an educator changes service providers in a month they can be counted in both licences.
When working out the number of educators you need to meet the required percentage, if it works out to be a fraction, use normal rounding rules. That means, if the number is 0.5 or above, you round up to the nearest whole number. If the number is below 0.5, round down.
The Frequency will be set to Monthly (Weekly is able to be selected for periods prior to June 2022 from the Frequency dropdown box) Using the Month/Week Starting and the Month/Week Ending fields, enter the date range up to which you wish to print details. The default will be the current month. You can also select the previous month/week or the next month/week by clicking the or
Using the Home-based Type drop down list, select the appropriate license type.
To display the report to your screen once you have completed your selections, click the Print icon. Alternatively, click the Print to Printer button to print a hard copy of this report.
Any days highlighted with a blue background, indicates the point in the month the Educator obtained a qualification.
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