Using the Centre Options screen you are able to view and update a variety of options to customise Infocare for your service. Please select which option you would like to view or modify from the table of options on the left of the screen.

Once you have made the changes you require for a particular option, click on the Update button at the bottom of the screen. You can then choose another option from the table of options, or navigate to another part of the system using the navigation menu at the top of the screen. 

Age Group

You can specify a variety of age groups which will then be automatically used to categorise children. Under 2 and Over 2 are pre-defined in Infocare. You can define additional age group categories by specifying a name and then an age range in months. For example, to specify a category of children aged 4 and 5, you would name the field "4&5" and specify an age range of 48 to 59 months.


Using this screen you can define a selection of settings for your service to customise your billing in Infocare. These are:


Allow the re-invoicing of fees
Select Yes if your centre invoices clients in advance. This will allow users to invoice clients in advance, and at a later stage to re-invoice that same period to determine any adjustments that are required based on children's actual attendance for the period. If you wish to re-invoice only debit values select "Debit only" from the drop down list, and if you wish to only allow credit values to be re-invoiced, select "Credits only" from the from the drop down list. If you wish to allow all values, select "Yes". Alternatively you can select "No"
Number of days which receipts and credit notes may be backdated
Specify the number of days after which receipts and credit notes cannot be backdated. Leaving this field blank will indicate there is no restriction
What to print on invoices and statements
Select which name you require when printing invoices, statements etc. Options are Company name, Service name, or both
Logo file name for statements etc.
To have your company logo printed on statements, invoices etc., please upload the file using the "File Upload" facility in Utilities, and then specify the file name here. For example, InvLogo.jpg. Please note that for optimum display and performance, the logo file should be no bigger than 150 pixels wide and 50 pixels high at 72 DPI
Message to be printed at the bottom of the bank lodgement form
Type a customised message to appear at the bottom of the bank lodgement form here
Message to be printed on receipts
Type a customised message to be printed on TAX receipts
Registered Charity
If your service is a registered charity, select "Yes"
Receipts are usually donations
Select "Yes" if the majority of receipts at your service are donations. This will then set the check box for "Donation" to be ticked as default when creating receipts in the accounts processing section
Payment terms message on invoices and statements
Enter the message you wish to print at the bottom of your invoices and statements. The following keywords may be used in this message:

CENTRE - will print the name of this service

COMPANY - will print the name of the holding company

ACCOUNT - will print your bank account number

REFERENCE - will print the child's unique reference number


There are up to 16 fields available in which you can define your own categories to classify children for reporting at your service. For example, you may wish to group children into different playgroups. Enter the names of the groups you wish to define here (e.g., Monkeys, Elephants, Red group, Blue group etc.). The appropriate groups can then be assigned to a child in the Child Update screen. You will be able to view or select information from the system based on the grouping you define here. 


If you require more than 16 options, a further 12 will be available on the screen once you have updated the first 16 fields.



You can enter in a Doctor's Name, Address, and Phone number. Once entered, the Doctor's name will appear on the Child Update screen in the Doctor dropdown box. You may also use this screen to remove incorrect/duplicate entries by blanking out the required fields and clicking Update.



This screen allows you to view add or modify job descriptions that will be available in the dropdown menu when updating staff details.


Learned From

You can add and/modify selections of how people learnt about your service to record during the enrolment process. Please note that if you modify any of these selections, any children who have already had them assigned will be modified as well. 



Using this screen you can define a selection of miscellaneous settings for your service which are:


The city to be used as the defaultEnter the name of the city you would like defaulted in the address forms
Logo file name for menusIf you wish to have your company logo displayed on the main menu, upload the file using the "File Upload" facility in utilities, and then specify the file name here (e.g., Logo.gif). Please note that for optimum display and performance, the logo file should be no bigger than 100 pixels * 100 Pixels at 72DPI
Maximum holidays permitted each year 
Enter the maximum number of days which your service allows for child holidays each year
Offering 20 Hours ECE
If your service is offering 20 ECE hours funded by the Ministry of Education, select yes. If you are not offering 20 hours ECE, select No
Message to be printed at the top of Completed Attendance Report
If you would like a customised message to appear as part of the heading in the completed attendance report, enter the text of the message here


Reason for Leaving

You can define or modify your own "reasons for leaving" in this section. Please note that if you modify any of these reasons, any children who have already been assigned that reason will be modified as well.



You can define specific rooms for your service, and children can be assigned to the specified rooms on the Child's Timetable update screen. If you wish to define rooms for your service, enter the names of the rooms in this section.



You can view, add, or modify school names on this screen. School names entered on this screen will appear as options in the School drop down list when updating child details.


Sign In Sheet

Using this screen you can define a variety of options which will customise how your sign in sheets look when printed. These options are:

Print numbers next to each child
Select Yes or No depending on whether you want numbers printed next to each child's name on the sign in sheets
Print columns to record names of the pickup and drop off persons
Select Yes or No depending on if you would like columns to be printed for caregivers/parents to enter their names when dropping off or collecting children
Title for drop-off person column
Enter the title you would like this column to have (i.e., "Dropped off by"
Title for pick-up person column
Enter the title you would like this column to have (i.e., "Collected by")
Print barcodesSelect Yes or No depending on whether you are using a barcode scanner to record drop-offs and collections. If you select yes, barcodes will be printed next to each child's name
Print birth date
If you would like the children's birth dates to be printed on the sign in sheets, select Yes
Print column to be used for the roll call
Select Yes if you require a column for roll calls on the sign in sheets
Title for user defined column
You can define your own column on the sign in sheets. The width of this column is determined by the width of the column title you enter
Print comments, welcome messages etc.
Select Yes if f you wish comments and greeting messages to be printed on sign in sheets
Leave space at the top of the page for paper-clip
Select Yes if you want a space to be left at the top of the sign in sheet for paper clips
Print PTO at the bottom of the page
Select Yes If you want PTO to be printed at the bottom of the page on sign in sheets
Include ratio table
Select Yes if you would like a child/staff ratio table printed at the end of the sign in sheet
Font size to be used
Select the required font size from the drop-down list
Height in pixels of each line
If you wish to change the height of the cells on the sign in sheet, specify the height in pixels here. To get the correct height, divide 799 by the number of children you want on the sign in sheet and round that number down. E.g. if you want 30 children on your sign in sheet, 799 divided by 30 is 26.63, enter 26 into this field
Number of children printed on each page 
If you wish to change the number of children printed on a single page on the sign in sheets, specify the number required here. Depending on the number specified, you will need to change the other settings (font size, height etc.) accordingly, see above for calculation
Welcome message
Enter the message you wish to appear on the daily sign in sheets when it is a child's first day at your service
Birthday greeting
Enter the message you wish to appear on the daily sign in sheets when it is a child's birthday at your service
Farewell message
Enter the message which you wish to appear on the daily sign in sheets when it is a child's last day at your service
Message to be printed at the bottom of the page
If you would like a customised message to appear at the bottom of sign in sheets, enter the text of the message here
Number of days after which sign in sheets and staff time sheets will be locked
If you want Sign in Sheets and Staff Time Sheets to be locked so that users cannot modify them after a period of time, you can specify the number of days after which they will be locked here
Display times as combo boxes
If you would like the times on sign in sheet entry screen to be drop down boxes, select Yes. If you would rather be able to type times directly into the time fields, select No
Highlight Forbidden/Conditional Access
Select Yes if you would like children who have contacts with forbidden or conditional access to be printed with a light grey background on the sign in sheets. You need to ensure you select Print Background Images on your web browsers printer settings
Display "Children in Italics are Under Two" labelSelect Yes if you would like this printed at the bottom of the sign in sheet or select No


Staff Activities

This screen is used to define customised staff activities which will then be available for selection on the Staff Time Sheets.



You can enter in additional topics other than the pre-defined topics in the Notes Facility. For example, pre-defined topics include accident, portfolio, meeting, etc. You may wish to add Teacher Registration or First Aid.


User Defined Fields

Using this screen, you are able to define customised fields and check boxes for use with children, their contacts, and for staff members.

Check boxes for the children
You can define customised "Check" boxes for use on the Child Update screen. For example, you may wish to record which children are permitted to go on walks. You would define a "Check Box" called "Walks" and then when you update a Child's information, you will be able to check the box called "Walks" if the child is allowed to go on walks. We recommend aligning this with your services Enrolment Agreement
Fields for the children
You can define customised fields for recording various details about the children. For example, you may wish to record details of a child's favourite toy. To do this, you would define a field called "Favourite Toy" and then when you are entering details about the child on the Child Update screen, you will be able to enter details of the child's favourite toy
Check boxes for contacts
You can define customised "Check" boxes for use on the Contacts Update screen. For example, you may wish to record which contacts are willing to assist with walks. You would define a "Check Box" called "Walks" and then when you update a Contact's information, you will be able to check the box called "Walks" if the contact is willing to assist with walks
Fields for the contacts
You can define customised fields for recording various details about the contacts. For example, you may wish to record details of any special skills that a contact has. To do this, you would define a field called "Special Skills" and then when you are entering details about the contact on the Contact Update screen, you will be able to enter details of the special skills for that contact
Check boxes for the staff
You can define customised "Check" boxes for use on the Employee Update screen. For example, you may wish to record which employees have music skills. You would define a "Check Box" called "Music Skills" and then when you update an Employee's information, you will be able to check the box called "Music Skills" if appropriate
Fields for the staff
You can define customised fields for recording various details about employees. For example, you may wish to record details of any professional development that the employee has undertaken. To do this, you would define a field called "PD" and then when you are entering details about the employee on the Employee Update screen, you will be able to enter details of the professional development
Other checks and reminders
You can define multiple fields which will appear on the staff update screen, and can be associated with an expiry date. Users will be reminded of any impending expiries on the notice board. By default, 3 of these fields will be assigned as "First Aid", "CYF Check", and "Work Visa". Users can change the default values at any time if required

User Defined Ratios

Using this screen allow you to defined you own Child-Teach centre ratios.

See this article on how to use User Defined Ratios