The default Xero Invoice layout does not provide the required details from IRD to meet requirements for FamilyBoost.

To meet this requirement we have the Xero FamilyBoost export that will format correctly.

Note: If your service operates multiple services from a single Xero account/organisation you will need to follow the 'advance' steps below.

Difference with this layout.

The *ContactName has been changed from the child name to the parent name.

The Reference field has changed to the child's name.

This will change the the 'To' / Contact within Xero to the name of the parent.

Xero InfocareInvoice Template

This requires you to use a custom Invoice Template.

  • Download the InfocareInvoice Template.docx (find it at the bottom of this page)
  • Open the InfocareInvoice Template.docx in MS Word
  • Replace the "Insert Logo here" with your logo.
  • Replace the “insert licence number here” with your services MOE licence number.
  • Within the Footer section below <<OrganisationPostalAddress>> populate your payment details.
    • Please make payment to: "Your Org name" 00-0000-0000-000
  • Save the document.

Within Xero you will need to Import this invoice template.

  • Click on your company name dropdown
  • Click Settings

  • Invoice Settings
  • New Branding Themes Click the dropdown arrow and select Custom.docx
  • Add the title for your new branding theme: InfocareInvoice
    • This branding title must be exact. 
  • Click OK
  • Click Upload
  • Next to Invoice select Browse and select the updated 'InvoiceInvoice Template.docx' file
  • Click Upload

Once the template has been upload. The import process can continue as normal.

Advance Setup (Multi-services setup).

If you are invoicing for multiple services within the same Xero Account/Organisation you will need to setup multiple templates and configure Infocare to match.

Xero's Invoice Templates are shared between all services with a single Xero Organisation. This causes issues with the export file taken from Infocare's Account Interface.

First we need to create a unique template for each service.

Apply the logo, licence number, and payment details for each service.

  • Download the InfocareInvoice Template.docx (find it at the bottom of this page)
  • Open the InfocareInvoice Template.docx in MS Word
  • Replace the "Insert Logo here" with your logo of 'service #1'
  • Replace the “insert licence number here” with your services MOE licence number of 'service #1'
  • Within the Footer section below <<OrganisationPostalAddress>> populate your payment details of 'service #1'
    • Please make payment to: "Your Org name" 00-0000-0000-000
  • Save the document and Name is after the service.

Repeat these steps for every other service.

Within Xero you will need to Import each of these templates.

  • Click on your company name dropdown
  • Click Settings
  • Invoice Settings
  • New Branding Themes Click the dropdown arrow and select Custom.docx
  • Add the title for your new branding theme:
    • eg: 'Service#1Infocare'
    • Must be 20 characters or less.
  • Click OK
  • Click Upload within the newly created branding theme.
  • Next to Invoice select Browse and select the modified 'Service#1 InvoiceInvoice Template.docx' file
  • Click Upload
  • Do this for each service. Use a unique name for each branding theme.

  • Once completed you should have one branding theme for each service with a unique name.
  • Take note of which theme belongs to which service.

Load Infocare

  • Load one of your services
  • Centre > Centre Options > Xero
  • Find 'Account Interface Family Boost template reference:' 
  • Modify the input field to the name of the branding theme.
    • Eg: 'Service#1Infocare'
    • Ensure this matches
  • Click Update
  • Apply this to every service within Infocare.

The next time you import a Xero - FamilyBoost file, the branded template will be applied.