Release Notice V4.19

Pay Parity Pay Step Reporting

  • New feature to count worked hours that add towards a staff members pay step progression. 
  • New Staff Pay Parity reporting available with Group Reports.
  • Alerts for staff nearing a pay step increase will display on the Notice Board
  • Options to select which staff activities do/don't get counted towards Pay Parity
  • Two options for when the system should count hours from:
    1. Use all historic hours.
    2. Define a effective date and allow allocation of existing calculated credit hours (recommended)

Click here for more information: Pay Parity Staff Pay Step Reporting

2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • New security measure for your piece of mind.
  • Options for individual users to enable 2FA.
  • Option for services to force 2FA on all users.
  • Easy to setup process.
  • This is currently an optional feature

Click here for ore information: 2 Factor Authentication - 2FA

Household Members (Homebased Only)

  • There is a new  Household Members tab within each employee record
  • This feature enables  you to record the household members that reside at the same address where the care for the child is taking place and to record their  Police Vet details.

Additional Enhancements:

Fundraising > Add a Project

  • New Scope option to apply the Project to a Centre, Subgroup, Area, Region, or Group.
  • This allows one project to be applied to multiple services at once.

Optional Charge prompt when adding a new timetable.

  • If a child has previously had an optional charge, a prompt will now appear to confirm whether to continue with these optional charges or not

Charity Number added to Centre Information and Tax Receipts

  • Centre > Centre Information - New Charity Number entry field.
  • On the Tax/Donation Receipt the Charity Number will appear in the header of the receipt.

Financial Analysis new print mode.

  • Added option to Print Table Only.

Staff Timesheet Print Mode

  • Add new Print Mode - Time Sheet with comment
  • This add an extra line for staff to add notes/comments.

Creating Receipts - Method of Payment is mandatory

  • Accounts Processing > Receipts > Create Receipt - Payment Method is  a mandatory field

Financial Reports - Available now in full screen view

  • Within each Financial Report, print the initial report. A new Open Print Preview button will show a full screen view.

Central Pool staff members will show a reference to their home centre

  • When a staff member is being viewed from a service that is not their home service, an indicator will show which service they originally belong to.

Xero integration - Enhanced tracking information

Improvements made for Android devices

  • Display improvements for Android phones/tablets when pinch zooming.  


Updated PIN page

  • The layout has been adjusted so as to accommodate different display sizes.

Signature capture

  • Improved the speed and performance of signatures captured and updated.