Release Notice V4.20

View committed Invoices, Receipts, and Credit Notes

  • A button has been added to Accounts Processing to list all committed items with Invoices, Receipts and Credit Notes
  • The committed items will show based on the current effective date.
  • Print, email , and export file options are available.
  • This will only show committed items that have been actioned after this release (30/07/2024), committed date can be prior.

Job Titles can be hidden

  • Centre Options > Jobs. New option to hide unwanted Job Titles.
  • This allows services to hide the Infocare define jobs or hide old unwanted jobs.
  • Historic reporting will still display hidden jobs.

GoEnquiry! Lost Opportunity - Lost Reason

  • GoEnquiry! has a new data point added to - Lost Opportunity.
  • When an enquiry is recorded as 'Lost Opportunity' a lost reason is available.
  • The current listed reasons can be customised within Centre Options > User Defined Fields.
  • GoEnquiry! reports will include a lost reason within Enquiry Details.

Homebased reporting for Educator Household Members

  • Staff Details now includes a report mode for Educator Household Members (as seen in our previous release)
  • This will list every educator with their household members and show their recorded police vet details.